Getting Started with Microsoft Bookings

Microsoft (MS) Bookings is an online appointment scheduling and booking application that integrates with your Trine-provided Outlook calendar. MS Bookings is a viable in-house alternative to Calendly.

For full setup instructions, please refer to our Full Setup & Help article.

1. To get started with MS Bookings, navigate to

2. You will be prompted to login if you are not already.
3. Once you are on the Bookings site, select Get it now:

4. Next, choose Add a booking calendar, unless you are searching for a pre-existing calendar:

5. Next, enter your Business Name or what you would like the calendar to be titled as well as the type of business you are in. If this is an individual Bookings page, we suggest entering your name as the Business Name and your Department as the name of your Business Category:

6. After you complete this prompt, select Continue. Immediately afterwards, choose the Add your calendar option. This will sync the two calendars together:

7. After your calendars are connected, customize your booking as you see fit! Please feel free to refer to the additional articles on the right-hand pane or reach out to IT Services for assistance.

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